Ana Petrović
visual artist
The Opposite Direction
1:16 min. in loop, HD video, 2016
Suprotni pravac
1:16 min. u loopu, HD video, 2016.
Video Suprotni pravac prikazuje autoricu na pokretnim stazama briselske zračne luke u Belgiji, glavnom gradu Europske unije, u smjeru suprotnom od predviđenog. Time video, kao medij, proširuje stvarnost svog okvira, stvarajući nastalu situaciju novom realnošću. Hodanje u suprotnom smjeru dovodi usporavanje do točke stajanja, dok su ostali prolaznici prebrzi za oko kamere pa liče na sjene. Jednostavan čin hodanja u europskom glavnom gradu postaje mjesto nepokretnog pokreta koji se dotiče trenutnog stanja mlađih generacija – metaforičke teme čekanja, migracija, mjesta u društvu i permanentnog stanja plivanja protiv struje.
The video Opposite Direction shows the author walking on moving tracks at the airport in Brussels, Belgium, the capital city of the European Union, in the opposite direction than intended. This ultimately means that the video, as a medium, extends the framework of its reality, making the new situation an “as if” reality. Walking in the opposite direction slows down movement to a virtual stop, while the rest of the passers-by move too fast for the camera to catch, appearing as shadows. The simple act of walking in place in the European capital becomes a site of immobile movement suggestive of the current state of the younger generations – the metaphorical theme of waiting, migration, one’s place in society, and a permanent state of swimming against the current.