Ana Petrović

visual artist

Climbing at your Own Risk 
metal ladder, foil, 2016

Penjanje na vlastitu odgovornost 
metalne ljestve, folija, 2016.

Ljestve, postavljene u prostoru daju mogućnost uspona i avanture, ali sa bližim i pomnijim pogledom postaje jasno da ono što je trebalo biti obećanje uspjeha je ustvari situacija u kojoj je gospođa ironija zavarila rešetku u zid. Ako se ne penješ odustaješ. Ako se popneš udariti ćeš glavom u zid. Scenografija za teatar apsurda.

Nema putokaza koji bi osvijetlili put.

Upute su beznačajne.

Besmisao je pređa koja grli sve oko sebe.

U žudnji za smislom, razlogom i redom ipak je teško zamisliti Camusovog Sizifa kako nesretan gura svoj kamen. Njegovim riječima: ”Apsurd ima smisla samo ako se na njega ne pristaje.”



The ladder, placed in space, gives an opportunity  for adventure and ascension, but upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that what was supposed to be the promise of success is, in fact, a situation in which Mrs. Irony welded an iron bar to the wall. If you don’t climb, you give up. If you climb, you will hit your head against the wall. A scene for the theater of the absurd.

There are no signs to illuminate the path.

The instructions are meaningless.

Nonsense is the yarn that tightens its grip around itself.

In the middle of craving for meaning, reason and order, it is still hard to imagine that Camus’ Sisyphus was unhappy while pushing his rock. In his own words,

“The absurd has meaning only in so far as it is not agreed to.”



[email protected]

©copyright 2020 ana petrović